Before each Team Meeting, please update your Github task(s) with a new comment including the following information in this format. Also make sure the task’s tags are updated (e.g, “In-Progress” “Help-Needed”, etc).
- Status:
- Next Steps:
- Projected Completion:
- Update:
For example:
- Status: Doing literature search on best methods for localization.
- Next Steps: Select one and implement it.
- Projected Completion: Monday Sept 16
- Update: <insert paragraph with details about what you’ve done this past week>
Come to the meeting ready to give a brief update to the group on your task. This is also our easist opportunity to coordinate on “handoff” items where two tasks may meet over a shared ROS topic or some dependency, so raise any issues or questions that others might need to weigh in on.
Copy and Paste the block below:
### XX/XX/20XX Update:
- **Status:** Fill
- **Next Steps:** Fill
- **Projected Completion:** Fill
- **Update:** Fill