Static Occupancy Node

Maintained by Nova


The StaticOccupancyNode is responsible for generating static occupancy and mass grids based on ground-segmented pointclouds provided by the ground_segmentation_node. These grids are then consumed by the junction_manager and the grid_summation_node for planning purposes.

The occupancy grid is generated using Dempster-Shafer Theory (DST) and Bresenhaum’s Line Algorithm with a process which roughly consists of three steps:

  • Ray-tracing free space toward occupied space
  • Filling the remaining grid with free space, also using ray-tracing
  • Adding an occupied space representing the vehicle

The mass grid is generated via the following steps:

  • Updating the previous mass grid via a decay factor
  • Updating probabilities of this decayed grid using a Bayes filter

These grids are then published separately, with the occupancy grid data being populated by the averaged occupied and free probability values obtained via generation of the mass grid.



createOccupancyGrid(pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZI> &cloud)

Returns a grid using Dempster-Shafer Theory (DST) by performing the following steps:

  1. Ray-traces free space towards recorded points (occupied space)
  2. Fills the rest of the grid with free space using same ray-tracing algorithms (can combine steps 1 and 2?)
  3. Adds occupied space representing the vehicle

add_points_to_the_DST(pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZI> &cloud)

Fills and adds points to the DST grid by projecting the pcl points onto the 2D occupancy grid.


Adds unoccupied spaces to the DST using ray tracing.


Adds the vehicle shape to the occupied/unoccupied zones.


Publishes the occupancy and mass grids based on the current probabilities generated via DST.


Sets the “previous” occupied and free zones to the values of the current occupied and free zones.


Updates the current grids with the previous grid values, applied with a decay factor.


Updates the current probabilities using a Bayes filter, taking into account both measured and predicted probability values.

std::vector<std::vector<float>> getGridCellProbabilities()

Computes the average of the updated occupancy and free values and returns the resulting cell probabilities.

ray_tracing_approximation_y_increment(int x2, int y2, int flip_x, int flip_y, bool inclusive)

Performs approximate raytracing from the origin to the given x2 and y2 coordinates, incrementing the origin y coordinate according to a slope error given by the distance between the starting and ending y coordinates. Optionally includes the destination coordinate.

ray_tracing_approximation_x_increment(int x2, int y2, int flip_x, int flip_y, bool inclusive)

Performs approximate raytracing from the origin to the given x2 and y2 coordinates, incrementing the origin x coordinate according to a slope error given by the distance between the starting and ending x coordinates. Optionally includes the destination coordinate.

ray_tracing_vertical(int x2)

Performs vertical raytracing along the positive vertical direction (+x), tracing from the origin to the given point.

ray_tracing_vertical_n(int x1)

Performs vertical raytracing along the negative vertical direction (-x), tracing from the given point to the origin.

ray_tracing_horizontal(int y2)

Performs horizontal raytracing along the positive horizontal direction (+y), tracing from the origin to the given point.

ray_tracing_horizontal_n(int y1)

Performs horizontal raytracing along the negative horizontal direction (-y), tracing from the given point to the origin.


Clears the occupied and free zones.