Ground Segmentation Node
Maintained by Nova
The code establishes a ROS node which processes LiDAR input, removes ground points using a grid-based MRF method, and publishes the filtered LiDAR data. This segmentation operates within a 2D grid framework and expands from the center to determine whether each grid cell ground points.
- /clock Clock
- Receives synchronization data from CARLA’s simulation clock.
- /lidar PointCloud2
- Receives raw LiDAR point cloud data.
- /lidar/filtered PointCloud2
- Publishes LiDAR data with ground points removed.
pointCloudCb(msg: PointCloud2::SharedPtr)
Processes raw LiDAR data by removing ground points and then publishes the filtered version.
removeGround(raw_cloud: pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZI>)
Removes ground points from raw LiDAR data using the Markov Random Field method..